March 29, 2025

2017 golden bullets: The maxi-singles

January 12, 2018 Mike D 0

They say first love is forever, and who hasn’t fall in desperate love with that small vinyl? “Daaaaad, the turntable is going mad!” “Yes [LOL] and ‘switch it to 7,’ Mike”, hehehe that thing!!! A maxi-single

Ummagma — Winter Tale

December 23, 2016 Alibi Pierce 0

As Canada and the U.S. break out of a frosty cold snap, shoegaze act Ummagma–hailing from the Great North–is releasing its Winter Tale single. The soft, ethereal track has all the hallmarks of a holiday

Ummagma — Frequency

July 26, 2016 Alibi Pierce 1

Canadian-Ukranian husband and wife duo Ummagma (Shauna McLarnon and Alexander Kretov) has been making waves in the underground music scene for several years now–both in the music they create and their promotional prowess. McLarnon’s Shameless

Review: Sounds of Sputnik — New Born

June 8, 2015 Alibi Pierce 2

In February of 2014 Ukraine was in the throes of revolution. The nation’s Russia-backed president was removed from office, an interim government was formed, and Ukraine’s 2004 constitution which granted fewer powers to the executive