March 26, 2025

Humblebrag (A Missed Opportunity)

May 13, 2014 Alibi Pierce 1

I missed an opportunity today. My mind just didn’t work fast enough; I wasn’t clever enough. It happens. After I knew the morning was under control, I stepped out to hit Starbucks and then 711

I Can’t Hear The TV

May 1, 2014 Alibi Pierce 0

Today I spent a lot of time listening to podcasts. I had work obligations that required a two hour (round-trip) commute, along with more travel within the city I had to travel to. I burned

Pot Vending Machine Mania!

April 13, 2014 Alibi Pierce 0

Pot vending machines! They’re here. And everybody is writing about it. And let’s be honest: It’s a pretty cool idea. Stoners everywhere getting their weed from the same machine they buy their munchies! Of course,


March 25, 2014 Alibi Pierce 0

I step into the shower and immediately the conversation begins. That Platinum Bubba Kush goes straight to the frontal lobe and my brain just won’t stop chatting. And the funny thing is that I start

What Happened to the Stop Button?

January 30, 2014 Alibi Pierce 0

The stop button has disappeared. Once ubiquitous, these buttons with the solitary but powerful impressed square were seen on every device from the Walkman to DVD players. If a device played media, it had a

Frank Zappa

January 22, 2014 Alibi Pierce 0

Frank Zappa didn’t actually say, “Politics is the entertainment branch of the military-industrial complex.” But he said something close. And, honestly, if he had said that, he would have been right. Goddamn, I love being


January 21, 2014 Oskar Thompson 0

I have a good memory for ppl. I can usually remember the moment I met someone, especially if they are important to my life now. I won’t remember your name, but… I don’t know what


January 15, 2014 Oskar Thompson 0

people look to the past, “well, we operated on the best knowledge we had at the time, we didn’t know oppression, etc.. was wrong, we’ve matured we’ve grown, we’ve become more compassionate..” romantically almost, like

Wilford Brimley

January 15, 2014 Alibi Pierce 2

Proof that advertising and product placement work: One minute I’m sitting on the sofa watching The Daily Show, hearing Jon Stewart reference Wilford Brimley. The next I’m craving a motherfucking oatmeal cookie. -Alibi Pierce