March 25, 2025

Colorado rakes in $135M in 2015 tax revenue

February 10, 2016 Alibi Pierce 0

This article originally appeared at MarijuanaPolitics. I also write for those guys. Last week we told you that San Francisco based marijuana investment firm The ArcView Group was projecting total 2015 marijuana sales in Colorado

Neil deGrasse Tyson: The Stoner Tweets

June 6, 2015 Alibi Pierce 0

Is Neil deGrasse Tyson a stoner? Some have speculated, and the general consensus seems to be, yes, the famed astrophysicist, author, and television personality is totally a stoner. With big and revolutionary ideas about space,

420: A True American Holiday

April 20, 2015 Alibi Pierce 12

When five California high school stoners set up a secret meeting to smoke weed, code naming it “420 Louis” after the time and location of the meet, little did they know they were laying the

Boycott Holiday Inn

February 23, 2015 Alibi Pierce 0

In case you missed it, a Washington, DC-based lobbying group has filed two RICO (yes, RICO!) lawsuits against the state of Colorado’s leadership and businesses in an effort to squash marijuana legalization (and, by extension,

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