March 26, 2025
About Antoaneta Tileva
Antoaneta Tileva writes about all things creative and social justice-y here. Equal parts Marla Singer and Martha Stewart, she loves documentaries, verbal tomfoolery, crossword puzzles, vegan chefing, and subversive antics of all kinds... She is currently getting her edumacation on at American University, working on a Ph.D. in Anthropology. She is actually pretty close to calling herself a "fake" doctor.
Contact: Website

The Suitcase

July 5, 2017 Antoaneta Tileva 0

As presented at an On The Move panel for the Smithsonian Folklife Festival, 2017, in collaboration with the American Anthropological Association. “Everything I owned was in a suitcase,” is too vast to comprehend. A suitcase

Review: Merchants of Doubt

May 1, 2015 Antoaneta Tileva 0

“Fake it, till you make it…so,” might be one of the many truisms apropos for Merchants of Doubt, the new documentary by Food, Inc. director Robert Kenner, based on Naomi Oreskes’ and Erik M. Conway’s