February 22, 2025
About Alibi Pierce
Curates Noise Journal

The Day We Fight Back

February 10, 2014 Alibi Pierce 0

You may have noticed the big black banner we incorporated into our main page today. Please take a moment to check it out. Ever since The Guardian and Washington Post reported the initial Edward Snowden

CVS To Stop Selling Cigarettes. So What?

February 5, 2014 Alibi Pierce 0

The way that CVS was praised today you would think they had announced a company-funded initiative guaranteeing the end of homelessness, or maybe something slightly smaller and more achievable like paying their employees a living

This Week in Shoegaze

February 1, 2014 Alibi Pierce 2

This is the feature in which we attempt to follow the Drone Subterranean Wall of Sound and Whispered Vocals. When last we wrote this segment, we mentioned the rumors of a Slowdive reunion, long whispered

What Happened to the Stop Button?

January 30, 2014 Alibi Pierce 0

The stop button has disappeared. Once ubiquitous, these buttons with the solitary but powerful impressed square were seen on every device from the Walkman to DVD players. If a device played media, it had a

Frank Zappa

January 22, 2014 Alibi Pierce 0

Frank Zappa didn’t actually say, “Politics is the entertainment branch of the military-industrial complex.” But he said something close. And, honestly, if he had said that, he would have been right. Goddamn, I love being

This Week in Shoegaze

January 21, 2014 Alibi Pierce 3

This is the feature in which we attempt to follow the Drone Subterranean Wall of Sound and Whispered Vocals. [embedyt]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRnoNsZsFLY[/embedyt] Carmen Villain, aka Carmen Hillestad, is a Norwegian former supermodel whose 2013 release Sleeper has

Wendy Davis Didn’t Lie

January 21, 2014 Alibi Pierce 0

So this is how it works: The GOP is a bitter bunch, with a serious and well-deserved inferiority complex. They like to go tit-for-tat. So, back in 2008, when the McCain campaign was releasing attack

Weed Roundup!

January 20, 2014 Alibi Pierce 0

In our last Weed Roundup we gave you tips on where to go to find the news you needed to know about the implementation of recreational pot sales in Colorado. This go around, we have

Wilford Brimley

January 15, 2014 Alibi Pierce 2

Proof that advertising and product placement work: One minute I’m sitting on the sofa watching The Daily Show, hearing Jon Stewart reference Wilford Brimley. The next I’m craving a motherfucking oatmeal cookie. -Alibi Pierce

More Benghazi

January 15, 2014 Alibi Pierce 0

The media is jumping on the Senate Intelligence Committee’s recent report with headlines today screaming the obvious: We could have done more to protect Benghazi, maybe even prevented the attack. Even supposedly liberal stalwarts such

A Star is Born

January 14, 2014 Alibi Pierce 1

As the Chris Christie “Bridgegate” coverage becomes more heated and more inescapable, and local Democrat senators begin talking about impeachment; as the full gamut of MSNBC hosts gleefully celebrate the impending demise of the GOP’s

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