I stopped by my favorite new dispensary on Friday to grab some candies and a new strain before a weekend getaway with my girlfriend. I was looking for a good middle-of-the-road hybrid. They had a lot of 70+ sativa and indica dominant strains available, but I was really trying to find something that would be fun but functional–nothing too ampy and nothing that would bog me down. So when the 60/40 indica-dominant Connie Chung strain caught my eye, and the budtender told me it was a good daytime smoke despite its i-status, I grabbed an eighth. Didn’t give it a second thought.
On our way to the vacation spot, my girlfriend and I were chatting and the dispensary visit came up. When I told her that I had bought an eighth of “Connie Chung,” she gave me an inquisitive look and asked how it got its name. I had no idea. I know that a lot of the names for hybrids are actually hybrids themselves: “Blue Dream” is so named because it’s a cross between “Blueberry” indica and the spacey sativa “Haze.” And “Purple AK-47,” for example, is not Sarah Palin’s favorite assault weapon as one might reasonably suspect. Well, maybe it is–wouldn’t surprise me. But it’s also an energetic indica-dominant cross between the “AK-47” sativa plant and “Granddaddy Purple” (itself an indica hybrid of “Purple Urkle and “Big Bud”).
So why the name “Connie Chung”? The only logical answer we could agree on was my girlfriend’s first suspicion: The eyes.
There’s a long history of using the stereotypical appearance of Asian eyes to describe the stoner’s appearance. Two of my favorite hip hop tracks ever, actually–GZA’s Shadowboxin‘ and Eminem’s Bad Meets Evil–contain lyrics relating the consumption of cannabis and the physical appearance of Asians. In Shadowboxin‘ Method Man spits, “Ticallion stallion, chinky-eye and snot-nosed/From my naps to the bunion on my big toe.” And in Bad Meets Evil, Eminem goes ahead and specifies a nationality: “Cause this is what happens when Bad meets Evil/And we hit the trees til we look like Vietnamese people.” You see, “hitting the trees” is also slang for smoking weed. Method Man just assumes you know exactly what he’s talking about. A Google search for “chinky eyed weed” turns up about 323,000 offensive results ranging from more rap lyrics to deep philosophical inquiries at wiki-forums like, “Why do peoples eyes get small when they smoke weed like their chinky eyed when they smoke weed why does that happen?”
To its credit, Google does its best to prevent you from asking these kinds of questions. I got shut down by its Instant feature after hitting the space bar following “chinky.” I mean, there’s no question that this is racist. Right? It is not acceptable in our modern culture to stereotype or even jokingly connect pejorative characteristics with an ethnic group’s physical appearance. Caricatures of Jews with big noses were–and still are–used by right-wing xenophobes all over the world to send a very specific message about the trustworthiness of the Jewish people. And while some white folks just can’t seem to wrap their minds around it, Blackface is not tolerable for its hurtful, dehumanizing portrayal of African Americans and the indecent appropriation of an oppressed minority’s culture for the entertainment of a privileged class.
When Stephen Colbert recorded a segment mocking today’s most prominent racist portrayal of an ethnic group in America, he did so in character as a moronic right-wing bloviator talking up his faux-charity, “The Ching Chong Ding-Dong Foundation for Sensitivity to Orientals or Whatever.” And he got slammed. The Twitter hashgtag #CancelColbert trended at light speed, and conversation about race, progressives, and Colbert’s show dominated social media and mainstream press coverage for a solid week. Some “hashtag activist” actually made a name for herself out of the whole thing.
As Blatto discussed in his recent SMS, race is an important issue. But how do I instigate change? Do I even attempt to? I do take moral stances with my money; I don’t eat at popular fast food restaurants, for example, because of the minimum wage issue. Chik-fil-A has been off-limits for a long time due to their anti-gay stance. Hobby Lobby is a total no-go. But the owner of my dispensary isn’t a racist. At least, I don’t think he is. I don’t really know the guy, and nothing about his business would give me that impression. He’s just buying for a buck and selling for two. But, do I talk to him about it? Mention it in passing? And how do I do that without coming across as a hysterical progressive with so few first-world problems that these are the things I worry about?
Do I never buy the strain again? And, without any way of getting the message to growers and distributors, what difference would it make? I never bought the Connie Chung strain before, and I don’t think that my one-time purchase made a blip on any radar so my absent dollars won’t exactly be a powerful voice.
How do you combat something so ingrained and accepted that it’s not even considered by somebody like me making a purchase?
I think maybe I’ll talk to the guy.
i worked with a guy whom happened to be of native american descent, from like south dakota or something. the project managers were convening a meeting using the ever popular ‘lets pow-wow’. he leaned over to me with the purest of sincerity, “i hate that phrase.” he knew i would be the only other one that would understand. he elaborated on it later, he really didn’t have to. ive since stopped using the phrase and would love to ask others to stop using it. this was 10ish years ago.. at the time and for a little while after, i mention it to people from time-to-time as being an apparently offensive phrase and everyone shrugged it off from ‘well, none of them are around’ to ‘everyone is offended by everything’ type-attitude. no one was ever inspired to stop nor showed any real sensitivity. i became too discouraged to bring it up anymore. lame-ass. maybe some specific details are just going to be there. i mean, the naacp’s “c” is “colored”.
However, now, we are square within the mashup culture as well as the culture of irony.. the 90s turned all concepts of appropriation on its head and now its a free for all.
context is dead
– oskar
I never really gave much thought to the use of “pow wow.” But, yeah, I could see it being totally offensive. And not necessarily–in my mind, at least–because it’s simply the appropriation of another ethnic group’s language. The issue is that it’s the appropriation of the language of an ethnic group that we violently eradicated to build this nation. We don’t get to kill off a culture then appropriate the things we like and expect everybody to be ok with it.
Actually, we do.
And that’s the problem.
it’s hilarious but you offensive, yes. but also considering the demographic, you can’t expect PC out of them….
Connie Chung knows about the strain, she has even brought it on a talk show with her. I think she parties a little more than you know.
Hey, thanks for the comment! I’d be interested in seeing any commentary you’ve seen from Connie Chung about this strain. Do you happen to have any links?
I actually figured it had to do with a parent strain being from thr Bay Area. She was a really well-known staple on the nightly news for years before she rose to national fame (and married Mairy Povich!). A serious journalist and one of the best — everyone was stoked to see her get some acclaim until that Newt Gingrich grandma flub.
So I just figured it was more of a local / Cali honor than a racism thing, which seems like a stretch.
Thanks for the comment, Sean. Anything is possible and this post is obviously pure speculation based on my knowledge of marijuana “pop culture,” but I’ve yet to find anything that strongly supports any other theories. Would actually prefer to be wrong!
typical yank demagogy.
just be free racism is natural and is good , imagine everything around you being same, colours , shapes , sounds etc is this the world you wana live in ?? i dont .Be (whatever you are) and be proud .