In the midst of unprecedented labor chaos created by a feckless government’s shutdown, D.C.-metro soundcrafter Tristan Welch is out with a new video ahead his latest release, 40 Hours, which just happens to be a sonic analysis of work. As well as a statement.
“I feel that our labor is truly the ultimate referendum,” Welch told Noise Journal. “By continuing to give ourselves to the wealthy for what is truly a pittance the wealthy will continue to manufacture what they believe is in their best interest — today that includes a government shutdown based on the idea of white supremacy. Racism, sexism, and inequality is based on profit and a united workforce can stop it.”
Thus, the birth of Monday, the lead (and first) track off of a six-song EP that explores the workweek one day at a time, and sees Welch teaming back up with DC saxophonist Ron Oshima. But none of that sultry noir sound is in this track. It’s on the album, but you’ll have to wait until Feb. 22 to get it.
For now you get Welch’s signature avant-garde guitar dripping in glistening EITS-esque reverb over swelling soundscapes. The video shows him in the suit he wears at all of his shows to draw a line under the fact that what he’s doing is actually work, holding signs he also utilizes in his live performances. They read: “Workplace Tyranny,” “Abolish Work,” and “Fire Your Boss.”
Producer Monica Stroik — who also co-owns Verses Records which is putting out the album — utilizes a green screen to transport Welch up I-95, onto 395 and into D.C., where he silently protests labor outside an under-construction Washington Monument. From there he ends up outside a shining forest in Vermont. Give it a watch.
Preorders are now open for 40 Hours which releases officially Feb. 22. Verses has issued a limited run of 250 hand-silk-screen-covered vinyl editions for sale at its Bandcamp page.
A release party is slated for the 23rd at NOVA’s Mobius.