March 31, 2025

The Horrors – Weighed Down

The Horrors

UK’s London based alternative modern rockers The Horrors released their new Valbum last month. It’s their sixth 10-track LP (12 in the Japanese version) in a decade where the band succeeded to rock the continents and get fans’ respect and applause!

On September 11 they published the lead single video of Weighed Down, a mid-tempo garage rock oriented song in their trademark style: Spooky, a little sleazy, hypnotic, and so groovy. Weighed Down confirms the good shape of the band and it seems that this fall and until the next summer The Horrors will be very busy performing a lot, supporting that superb release.

The lyrics, oh the lyrics, are direct out of the British mist and dew in that English style of writing–lyrics of a certain weight that all rockers in the island are familiar with and fond of, and I add quite schematic too! What more…listen loud, it’s a killer tune! DON’T LET LOVE BRING YOU DOWN…

Keep Up With The Horrors 

About Mike D 282 Articles
Hey people I'm Mike D from Athens GR (43). I'm a sound engineer, radio producer, and certainly a music "freak." I couldn't be anything else, you see: I grew up in a musical home (my father was a composer), and wanted to be a rock-star but wasn't patient enough to study music. Instead, I studied the technical stuff and went really "nuts" when I started writing articles about the bands and artists I love. It all started back in 2002 in a printed magazine (Sound Maker - RIP) and I still do it because I really like sharing my libraries, discotheque, info, connections, knowledge, and all. I'm involved in all "waves" music (new wave/darkwave/post-punk/shoegaze), punk, industrial, EBM, alternative rock, indie, electronic, avant-garde/ experimental/ freestyle...but on the other hand I can easily throw a classical CD in the player, or a jazzy tune, or...ok you get it: Music! I'd like to read your comments on my writing because you know how it goes, and you all know the glorious song by Placebo,"Without You I'm Nothing"...Thanx and enjoy Freedom and Music, Loud!
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