March 28, 2025

Thud — Prime of Pride

Thud Prime of Pride album art
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There’s no other way to put this, so let’s cut to the chase: Nobody is doing what Thud is doing. Nobody comes close. There are a lot of bands out there effectively trying to capture the shoegaze aesthetic–we review a lot of them here, and we like a lot of what they’re doing. Stella Diana, La Casa Al Mare, Whirr–these are all bands that are putting their own spin on the classic sound pioneered by acts like My Bloody Valentine, Cocteau Twins, and Lush, and doing it well. But this Hong Kong act has not only captured the zeitgeist, but absorbed it, genetically modified it, and unleashed it upon the sonic wild like those mosquitoes they’re about to release in Florida to combat the Zika virus.

We caught their first two singles, Lime and Venture, but due to circumstances sort of beyond our control, were criminally negligent in letting their debut EP, Floret, pass us by without a write-up. My apologies.

But here we are playing catch-up, and Thud has a brand new single for us to write about so we’re gonna do it:

Prime of Pride is a cacophonous treasure trove of atonal guitar stabs, psychedelic Moog hooks, phantom vocals, and tremendous walls of bending sound. With elements of synth-pop/new wave, krautrock, and with straight-up pop sensibilities, Prime of Pride is a perfect follow-up to the sounds that Thud has been pumping out over the couple of years.

It’s everything a traditional fan of gorgeous noise could possibly want, but with an accessibility that shouldn’t be overlooked. As our friend Mobdividual explains in his insightful guest review linked below, if there’s a shoegaze genre act with the potential to break through the subterranean tundra, it’s this talented five-piece.

Buy Prime of Pride on iTunes, find Thud on Facebook, and then check out the crazy video for the single below the guest review.

What our friends think:

Prime of Pride – the mobdividual review

About Alibi Pierce 193 Articles
Curates Noise Journal

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  1. Prime of Pride – the mobdividual review

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