People love sloths. They’re cute as hell, slow as molasses, and, unfortunately, many are super-endangered. There’s a whole internet subculture dedicated to the adorableness of sloths: Cute baby sloths, sloths getting potty trained, Super Cute Sloths Squeak!! And then there’s the darker side of the sloth net kingdom with the mythical sloth demon Belphegor and some sloth demon in a game called Dragon Age that people apparently have a hard time killing.
But here’s the thing: The aforementioned real sloths–the adorable cuddly-looking ones, well, they can be scary too. REALLY scary. Buried in this National Geographic article titled Unbelievably Cute Pictures of Rescued Baby Sloths–which does, for what it’s worth, have some really cute pictures of baby sloths–is a video that shows what can only be described as the Pazuzu of sloths.
A demon possession in slow motion.
The video, Inside a Baby Sloth Orphanage and Rescue Center (which you can watch below), features Panamanian conservationists Yiscel Yángüez and Néstor Correa who “specialize in sloth rehabilitation and relocation” attempting to relocate a sloth that found itself trapped in a residential area.
This guy is pretty cute, no?
But things get really weird as the sloth, in slo-mo, the only way it knows, attempts to fight off the well-meaning rescuer, striking some crazy demon poses in the process.
Whoa! Right?
The power of Christ compels you!
But all’s well that ends well, and the critter’s looking cute AF again:
And off to a proper habitat:
Watch the whole video here:
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